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Manufacturer of the "Original" Happy PMS
"Working Wonders for Women"
Medicago sativa

Food, alterative (good for the whole body), body nutrients, tonic, joints, stomach and arthritic discomfort, stops excess sweating, deodorizes, pituitary gland nutrient.
COMMON NAMES: Lucern and Buffalo Herb.

This food which has its name from the Arabic language is known as the "father of all foods." Alfalfa comes to us originally from Asia. It is always a matter of great humor for herbalists when some chemist isolates a new vitamin and discovers it is also found in Alfalfa. Alfalfa is very easy to digest as it contains at least eight active enzymes. These enzymes help a person to digest the food as well as the plant itself. Large quantities may be eaten for the purpose of relieving joint pains, repairing and maintaining bones, repair of stomach and as a source of hormonal nutrition for the all important pituitary gland. Alfalfa, due to a root system as deep as 125 feet, brings up a rich storehouse of Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, and Sodium. These minerals are in excellent balance for a healthy system.
Do not be concerned Alfalfa could contain a harmful sodium. This is not salt shaker sodium. It is an organic plant sodium, which nourishes the blood stream and promotes youthful, flexible joints and repairs the stomach. Alfalfa provides a balanced spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Deodorizes and prevents excess perspiration, stops hemorrhage, soaks up uric and lactic acid to prevent nerve irritation, lubricates joints, relieves pain, deodorizes, and is diuretic (relieves fluid retention).
Take 1 capsule after after each meal and persist until results are achieved. Enjoy the many short range benefits and especially those long range benefits, which occur over months and years.

All Cell Salts

Mineralizer, food, blood cleanser, lymphatic cleanser, relieves cellular congestion, Down's Syndrome (genetic calcium congestion causing malformation of head and retardation, in the young).
INGREDIENTS: Bladderwrack, Atlantic Kelp, Arrowroot and Irish Moss.

The combination has a seafood taste and is most interesting because it has all of the 13 organic tissue salts which are found in the body. Each different type of tissue in the body contains a different concentration of mineral salts and elements which make up its construction and insure its proper function. This combination contains all of them. It is truly a source of food for every cell in the body. Organic minerals will replace inorganic mineral build-ups in the body and this combination excels as a cleanser for that reason. The salts break up congestion in the cells and the fluid that surrounds them. This could be described as a type of "chelation therapy." Not only is the cell-choking accumulation removed, but the new minerals and elements are right there to replace worn out parts. This represents a tremendous advance for herbal science. As the wastes are flushed free from the cells, the urine often clouds up and smells strange as well as with the bowel. There may be strange tastes in the mouth as the sinuses clean. 5 to 6, 12 oz. portions of spring water should be taken daily to complete the flushing process. Sometimes this process continues for months, but at a safe rate. When the urine is no longer cloudy and the stool no longer has strange smells, the flushing is complete. A clean body is now ready to survive for a very long time. A maintenance amount of 40 drops three times per day should keep the body clean. This combination is recommended for expectant mothers and while they breast feed their child. The children thus fed are calmer and quieter with improved development from the high quality of nutrients to be found in this combination.
Each time A.C.S. is taken, 16 oz. of water should be taken with this to flush away what has been dissolved Take 1 capsule  two times per day.   Can be used during pregnancy and when nursing take 1 capsule per day.
The appetite may decrease during this time and weight loss may occur due to the cleansing process, however, as this combination is also a food of the finest type, there is no need to worry and the increased energy is a blessing. ALL CELLS SALTS (MINERALS) can be used as a source of herbal calcium-magnesium.

Myrica cenfera, L.

Deobstruent (removes obstructions), astringent (tighten the tissues), sinuses, nasal polyps, vaginal polyps, tonic, Alimentary Canal mucus cleaner, depurative (purifies), ear and eye problems.
Candleberry, Waxberry, Arbre-a-suif
Bayberry is the old dependable workhorse for cleaning sinuses and granting relief to pressures and pains in the head caused by the sinuses. In times of emergency for relief of sinus blockage, the powder can be sniffed into both nostrils. Although the effect may startle a person, it is effective within seconds to relieve the blockage. A mixture of Bayberry, Goldenseal, Chickweed and Vitamin E oil together made into a paste and placed into the ear will correct a wide range of ear problems including loss of hearing, infections, pains, nerve damage and earache. The esteemed Greek physician Claudius Galen recognized Bayberry to drain acids and mucus from the brain through the tear ducts. Bayberry aids digestion and removes morbid disease-nourishing material from the alimentary canal. It is a good gargle for sore throat or spongy, bleeding gums. It is a remedy for blood from the lungs, in the stool or bleeding from the uterus. Bayberry is a deobstruent and has no patience with debris that would block its function. Apply directly to old and hard-to-heal sores.
30 to 60 drops three times per day as needed for sinus problems and persist until liquification and completion of draining occurs. This may take days or weeks as some sinus congestion is like layers of varnish and the sufferer is unaware of the problem. When sinuses are cleaned, vision often improves.
Alma R. Hutchens, "Indian Herbalogy of North America;" Dr. John R. Christopher, "School of Natural Healing;" Dr. Eugene C. Watkins, "Get Well With Natural Remedies."


Obtained by bees from fluids from leaves, bark and flowers. A hard, gummy, resinous substance manufactured by bees as a glue to cap honey cells and attach their living quarters to solid objects. This "bee glue" is a powerful antibiotic and anti-putrefaction agent (coats and prevents dead and rotting cells from spreading in body so they can safely be removed). Can be used hourly as an antibiotic in severe cases to regain a foothold on life.

Dose: 20 to 40 drops three times per day or if no improvement, 40 drops per hour until better.

C.C.E. - W

As a basis for all remedies, excellent flu remedy.

COMMON NAMES: Scandinavian Corrective.

(There are several combinations in use. This is one of the most common.) Aloe, Angelica, Camphor, Carline Thistle, Manna, Myrrh, Rhubarb Root, Saffron, Senna, Theriac, Zedoary.
This most valuable cleansing corrective has roots in centuries of European herbal experience and studies in Northern Europe. The originators of this all-embracing liquid, Urban Hjarne, and Dr. Samst, reported nothing short of miraculous results. When used internally, regularly and daily it has lead to a very extended and active life span. It may be used externally as follows: Apply Vitamin E oil to the area from 100 i.u. capsules. Then take cotton or gauze soaked in the liquid extract and place over the affected area. Cover with plastic and hold in place with a wrap for overnight. Cleansing Corrective - W has been used on a wide variety of serious or hopeless problems with very favorable results. It is taken internally for many diverse problems. The following is a partial list: sinus, deformation of hands and legs, stiffness of joints, wounds, scars, diarrhea, arthritic complaints, sprains, loss of hearing, gall bladder attacks, blood clots, hemorrhoids, cancer problems, head and brain disorders, digestive problems of all kinds, birthmark, moles, liver spots, memory, worms, loss of appetite, anemia and high or low blood pressure.
Externally as given above. Internally take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day the first week. 2 teaspoons 3 times a day the second week. 1 tablespoon 3 times per day until condition is corrected. For serious conditions at the start, up to 1 tablespoon 3 times per day. In emergency situations, 2 tablespoons at once on the tongue or in fluid. For daily maintenance of a healthy system, 1 to 3 teaspoons full. If flu symptoms occur, then 2 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon full every 3-4 hours while awake until symptom free.
SOURCES: Maria Treben, "Gensund heit aus der Apotheke Gottes."


It is the most beautiful of iron formulas and it tastes good.  It is upsetting to see other sources of iron on the market that proclaim how “excellent” they are and their taste is down right disgusting, something like licking a rust tin can.  And they are about as good as they taste for your body.  That is because they use an iron source, just about like rust, mixed with sulfur.  You can be assured, when iron is organized by a living green plant, it has a far greater attraction for your body cells than rust from the ground.  But then, the rust and sulfur form is cheap and after awhile it may severely constipate you and destroy the vitamin E in your system, as well as clog up liver functions.  This is especially detrimental to pregnant women as they may become sick and the baby born nearsighted.  The proof that vegetable iron is good for you is after a short time of talking to you will probably feel a lot better, men included.  With the iron ore type of iron after a while you will probable feel pretty terrible.  Iron is constantly needed to manufacture new red blood cells, especially in women.  When the right kind of iron enters your body, in a liquid extract form, you can readily absorb it.  As it hits the oxygen in the body, you feel the spark of life tickling your whole system again.  It is alright to banish constant fatigue and feel frisky and stay that way.  Breathe and enjoy it.

COMBINATION:  Thyme, Yellow Dock, Red Raspberry Leaf, Indian Tobacco.

DOSE: 20 TO 40 drops per day. If deficient or time of menstruation, 40 drops, 3 times per day.  For babies and small children, 1 -5 drops per day.  Can be rubbed into soles of feet.  For older children 5 -10 drops per day.  Adolescents use same amount as adults, as they are growing and need more of everything, even though they have not yet reached their full growth.

(Heart Tonic Combination)

Heart herbs which nourish the heart and repair valves, reduce swelling, restore feeble heart action, open congested heart blood vessels that are clogged, very slowly, so that the congestive debris is liquified and flushed harmlessly from the body. "Living heart insurance policy"; grow your own new heart instead of a transplant. You have a new soft tissue body every four months. Make it a better one. You can make a tremendous difference in a year's time with the regular use of Heart Tonic and walking for exercise.

COMBINATION:   Hawthorn Berries, Myrrh, Motherwort.
  20 drops, twice per day for one week and thereafter, 40 drops, twice per day.

NOTE:   The Hawthorn Berries in this combination enthusiastically clean out waste nitrites and nitrates from the heart area in their haste to prevent disaster. When this occurs, slight twinges or stings may occasionally be felt around the heart area. There is no cause for alarm, as no actual damage is occurring, only good things. Usually, after about a week, this work is done and the amount taken can be increased to 40 drops, twice per day, without alarming a person.


Horseradish is an excellent herb to clear out the breathing passages when congested and to counteract allergic reactions. The question is - how can it be taken or used? Of course, it can be ground into a pulp and eaten, or hold the head over the pulp and breathe it in from the fresh pulp. For future use, the ground pulp can be kept in a closed glass jar and refrigerated until needed. Once the jar is opened, the aromatic part (air borne portion), which performs the function of cleaning the air passages and handling allergic reactions, is rapidly evaporated into the air; the Horseradish goes "flat" and thus becomes ineffective. Nor can a liquid extract of Horseradish capture its aromatic property. So, if you don't always have fresh Horseradish around or a fresh, refrigerated jar to open, what do you do? The solution is to carefully dry the Horseradish, powder it and seal it up in a capsule. Then, when an attack occurs, it is available and ready in a convenient form. Once sheer desperation and necessity had introduced the accomplished American herbalist, Jeanne Burgess, to the relief given, by swallowing a spoonfull of Japanese Horseradish while far from home and in the throws of a terrible allergic attack with breathing problems and swelling, she decided to share it with the world. It is from this experience, and its fortunate conclusion, that this Formula comes to us. Japanese Horseradish was added to the list of other established herbs, all of which, on their own, are known to help breathing problems and soothe allergic attacks. When an herbal combination of Japanese Horseradish and the other herbs were joined, a powerful and reliable combination for quick relief of allergy attacks, swelling, pain and breathing problems resulted. And that is the story of the herbal combination L.A.S.-J.B. and friend of all those who need allergy relief.

COMBINATION:   Fennel, Japanese Horseradish, Marshmallow Root, Mullein, Fenugreek.

DOSE:   1-3 Capsules, 3 times per day, or in case of an attack, 4 - 6 Capsules, and repeat as needed.

Glycyrrhiza glabra, L.

Specific for low blood sugar, ulcers, coughs, stress, allergies, stamina, sweetener.

COMMON NAMES: Sweetwood, Suessholz, Bois de-Reglisse-doux.
PARTS USED: Dried root.

Licorice Root is sweet, somewhere between 4 to 50 times sweeter than cane sugar without the calories and does not increase thirst. Licorice Root can be so sweet, it has a bitter taste unless diluted. It is a specific for low blood sugar symptoms. If a person is not feeling up to par and has a habit of eating white flour products or sugar products, it is safe to assume they would benefit by Licorice Root. Powdered Licorice held on the tongue and allowed to dissolve coats the throat to relieve sore throat. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used Licorice to combat the ravages of stress. When battle troops in the quest to conquer the world experienced stress this was their mainstay. People today also experience stress. Licorice Root is a remedy for stress, be it from interpersonal relationships, allergies, or lack of energy. Licorice Root feeds the energy and hormone manufacturing glands known as the adrenals. As such, they are able to bring the entire system into better balance and promote well being. When the need occurs for hormones, for either the male or female system, Licorice provides the building blocks for the adrenals to make these hormones. This is especially efficacious for women who have had a hysterectomy, to prevent the discomforts of hormone imbalance.
10 to 40 drops three to four times per day under the tongue or on food as a sweetener.

Mentha peperita

Oxygenator, antispasmodic, stomatic, stimulant, nervine, cardiac, tonic, febrifuge (reduces fever), aromatic (smells and tastes good).

COMMON NAMES: Balm Mint, Ementhe Polvree, Pfefferminz, Curled Mint.

PARTS USED: Whole herb, oil.

Quite aside from being one of the most popular flavoring agents, the therapeutic value of Peppermint has its roots in herbal use from the beginning of man's first association with it. It has been sought out through the eons of time as a pleasant refreshment. Its leaves are chewed, teas are made from its leaves as well as the oil. The use of these brings an exhilarating aromatic sensation as well as fresh oxygen for well being. Mothers have long known a cup of the tea will relieve baby's colic. A touch of peppermint oil to the tongue of a baby or adult pushes distressful gas from the body and settles the stomach (especially good to calm morning sickness). The oil's modern, innovative use is part of the Herbal Adjustment explained under its own heading in this book. A partial list of Peppermint's additional corrective services is diarrhea, dizziness, convulsion, earache, fainting, fevers of all types, stomach and bowel gas, nausea, nervous headache, restlessness, motion sickness, spasms, toothache, vomiting and heart palpitations.
40 drops three times per day of the extract or as needed. 1 touch of the oil to the tongue or applied thinly but completely to area which is affected. (Do not put in eyes.)

Hemidesmus indicus

Stress, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high blood sugar, low blood sugar, energy, stamina, reproductive support, jet lag (crossing time zones rapidly).
COMMON NAMES: Survival Root, India Root.

PARTS USED: Dried root.
For millennia Ginseng has been relied upon for energy and combating stress. Many different plants are sold under the name of "Ginseng" or "Siberian Ginseng". One of the finest and not the most expensive comes from India. Perhaps if it were more widely known and cost more, more would be heard about it. At any rate, this marvelous Ginseng, from India does not have to remain a secret. Try it and form your own opinion. Speaking of stress, you may have noticed the stresses of modern life are incredible at times. Until such time as people cease to be wolves to each other and we can appreciate a more convenient but rapid pace of life, we can use some support. Siberian Ginseng helps to compensate for constant change. A stronger nervous system and well nourished adrenal glands (a gland on top of each kidney, which can make about two dozen different anti-stress hormones) do much to meet the challenge of life. If the adrenal glands are not working well and the door to the garage sticks we may sit down next to the house and cry about it. If however the adrenal glands are well supplied with the building blocks for anti-stress hormones, we may just decide to tear the garage door off its hinges and then do it. After all, why let a garage door bully you. In the case of an illness where it seems too much effort to even walk across the room, rather than give up, try Siberian Ginseng. If you must lose sleep and/or extra demands are placed on your shoulders, try Siberian Ginseng. Then see if you don't feel like going bear hunting with a handle whip and a chair. Crossing time zones by aircraft can upset the body rhythms especially when the night was much too short in the air and when you land the people there are already having lunch. Then it is Siberian Ginseng time. When suffering from the stress of a cold, hay fever, asthma, blood pressure problems, monthly upsets, poor diet, long hours, desert heat or winter conditions, convalescence, operations, injuries, teenagers, tax collectors, competition or you name it, try Siberian Ginseng and get back to the top of things. Athletes seeking peak performance and body builders can safely rely on Siberian Ginseng to provide a competitive advantage in training, performance and development.
Maintenance and stress maintenance, 20 to 40 drops daily as needed. If in competition 20 to 40 drops 3 times per day. If serious illness, 1 teaspoon full 3 to 4 times per day.

SI.-W-(Sinus problems)

SI.-W is a much relied upon and appreciated formula for sinus congestion and infections. Prevents sinus attacks. Rapidly opens breathing passages and restores breathing. When it comes to chronically (condition of long standing) blocked sinuses, the answer is to liquefy and drain. To dry up infected mucus in breathing passages merely adds another deposit to the previous layers of accumulated dried, infected mucus. This does not correct the problem. Each successive "sinus attack" is a desperate call for help from the sinus basin to be drained. SI.-W opens breathing passages and liquefies and drains sinus passages. SI.-W combines the qualities of a cooling, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, detergent team for relief of sinus anguish. 10 to 40 drops 3 times per day brings relief for breathing. To break loose old deposits may require several days or weeks at the rate of 40 drops, 3 times per day, but what else would you have been doing? As chronic dried, hard sinus deposits are liquefied, they come off layer by layer just as they were laid down. This may involve extensive drainage, and many colors of the expelled mucus may be exhibited in the process. Do Not mistake this for a sinus infection. It is not. This process of re-hydration takes time, but the results are worth it. Continue this process until the sinuses liquefy and finally drain all their old deposits, and the mucus turns clean. An interesting adjunctive use of SI.-W is for earache and ear infections where someone is recommending putting tubes in the ears to drain them. Swab the car canals with Vitamin E from 100 i.u. capsules to reduce any irritation. Then insert a cotton ball soaked with SI.-W into the each ear canal. This is a time-release, corrective antibiotic with a detergent effect to drain the middle ear into the mouth through the short tubes provided for that purpose, known as the Eustachian (U-stay-shun) tubes. Change the time-release cotton balls morning and night. Usually overnight or throughout the day is enough time for the SI.-W to clean the drain and get the plugs out of the tubes which empty into the mouth. Many recorded cases of hearing problems have cleared up with use of this procedure, when used for several days. Please note: Most sinus problems are caused by either of two problems. Incompletely digested food which forms irritants and causes the body to produce mucus to prevent irritation. Improper bowel management of less than one bowel movement per each meal. This causes the body to use emergency exits, such as the sinuses, lungs, ears, and throat to expel the wastes. Therefore, please use a digest-aid and a bowel maintenance program with the use of SI.-W to cut off the source of the sinus problems.

Combination: Bayberry, Golden Seal, Wood Betony, Gentian, Chickweed, Oregon Grape.
Dose: 10 to 40 drops, 3 times per day, and as given above.

T.- W   (Thyroid)

Organic, natural iodine and more for the thyroid. The thyroid is a large gland with the appearance of a bunch of flattened grapes which sets at the base of the neck under the voice box. Here is the sub-station in control of blood calcium levels and calm nerves, strong nails, weight control, energy, hair that does not break off and healthy skin. When the thyroid is properly nourished, hands and feet warm up and fibroid tumors are prevented and/or reabsorbed. Remember, not just the thyroid requires a high grade natural source of iodine, the ovaries store iodine also for their proper health. The thyroid, however, is a "hog" and takes its iodine first. If there is not enough for both, or either, the thyroid takes it all and thus, fibroid tumors occur. If the thyroid does not get enough nutrients it may swell in size in an attempt to absorb more by getting bigger. The base of the neck may become fat and or the thyroid may enlarge internally. This is a common cause of feeling like there is always something in the throat that can not be swallowed. If the chemical iodine added to salt actually worked, with all the salt in the typical diet, there would be no problems as listed here. White salt is refined salt, which is another way of saying it has been robbed of every thing except sodium and chlorine and chemical iodine which may be added to it. If a person has a "taste" for salt, then assume they are mineral deficient and lacking the assortment of the many true mineral salts which should be in the body and would be found in unrefined salt. Much better than unrefined salt, would be to take the mineral salts from the living lattice of sea vegetables which have them organized in a form to support life. With that in mind, we take either V.M.-W (Vital Minerals), T.-W or A.C.S. (All Cells "Salts" minerals) for a balanced mineral profile. Most so-called "weight loss diets" do not result in weight loss because they do not address proper thyroid nutrition and thus regulate the speed at which food is burned and energy is released. You may also find, with proper thyroid nutrition, the fingers no longer shake when the arms and hands are extended and the fingers spread apart; as well as strange fears that simply disappear.

COMBINATION:   Dulse, Bladderwrack, Wild Lettuce, Irish Moss.

DOSE:   10 to 40 drops, 3 times per day. In cases of severe depletion, then 40 to 80 drops, 3 times per day. If you feel "nervous" after taking, simply reduce the amount and the feeling will go away shortly. If you feel nothing, gradually increase the amount until you do feel more energy. Note: T.-W can be applied externally to the base of the neck under the voice box, if desired, rather than taking it internally. You may have to use a little more than would be the case for internal use. Apply externally 3 times per day. If very sensitive skin, apply Vitamin E from 100 i.u. capsules first.


The best of three bee products are combined in this high energy, antibiotic formula. Bee Pollen (bee collected plant sperm) provides energy, the elements of new life for cell regeneration and antibiotic activity, as well as a high quality protein source and first-rate anti-stress adrenal gland nutrition. Bee Propolis (bee glue) possesses the antibiotic spark to raise immunity levels and get the life systems moving again. Putrid material is rendered harmless. Low-grade fevers disappear. Royal Jelly (Queen Bee food) is that elixir of life which extends the normal life span of an infertile worker bee from a few weeks to several years as a Queen with great fertility. Together, these three bee products provide a powerful formula for the entire nervous system. The body virtually glows with renewed vigor.

COMBINATION:   Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis, Royal Jelly.

DOSE:   40 drops, 3 times per day. If needed to spark systems back into action, 40 drops per hour, while awake until well. Then as a maintenance, 40 drops, three times per day to stay well.

100 Capsules
(All Cell Salts)
100 Capsules
4 fl. oz Bottle
4 fl. oz Bottle
C.C.E. -W
4 fl. oz Bottle
HI.I. -W
4 fl. oz Bottle
4 fl. oz Bottle
100 Capsules
4 fl. oz Bottle
4 fl. oz Bottle
4 fl. oz Bottle
SI.- W
4 fl. oz Bottle
T. -W
4 fl. oz Bottle
4 fl. oz Bottle